Reduce energy costs in the gym

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Recently, many gyms were hit by the Corona pandemic, now it's the rising energy prices. We've put together a few measures that can not only save money, but also help the environment.

Good preparation is half the job

When it comes to cutting costs at the gym and the changes in operations that come with it, good preparation and accurate plans are key. It's best to make a list of all the spaces in your gym and note exactly which measures you want to and can implement together with your employees. Involve your employees in your cost-cutting plans right from the start and hand out appropriate checklists . That way, everyone knows what's going on and you can all work together to reduce energy costs in the gym in the long term. Immediately afterwards, all members should be informed about the adjustments that will be made and the changes they will bring.

Please note that supply restrictions may result in a special right of termination for members.


Immediate measures for individual areas

This can be implemented quickly

High temperatures and water consumption, excessively long operating times, ventilation and lighting - there are a number of energy guzzlers in the gym. Not only because of rising energy prices, but also for the sake of the environment, adjustments are the necessary step. We have compiled some immediate measures that can be implemented quickly and have a big impact.

Sauna area

  • Switching off one sauna if there are several
  • Adjustment of sauna opening hours
  • Reducing the temperature
  • Closing the sauna on certain days

Sanitary area

  • WC flushes with economy mode
  • Sensor controlled or waterless urinals
  • Use of service water or rainwater
  • Repair of broken faucets and leaking flushes


  • Decalcification of shower heads
  • Installation of economy shower heads
  • Installation of time-controlled pressure taps
  • Shortening the shower intervals
  • Reducing water temperature to approx. 36 degrees


  • Use of daylight
  • Replacing halogen spots with LED spots
  • Switching off decorative elements at night

Further measures

  • Determination of air exchange
  • if necessary replacement by manual ventilation
  • Regulation of room temperature in all areas
  • Heating thermostat to be adjusted only by employees
  • Reduce energy consumption of refrigerator
  • Switch electronic devices (e.g., TV, cardio equipment, music systems) to standby mode when little or no use is made of them.
  • Switch off all electronic devices after closing time

This is just a summary of the most important energy-saving measures. Further information can also be found at

Editors (VS)

Picture source: #125414743 Mirko Vitali /

Published on: 27 September 2022

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