Corona: What do I need to keep in mind when working out at the gym?

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Since mid-May, exercisers have slowly been able to return to their sport. Starting in NRW, the federal states have gradually allowed sports in halls or gyms again under strict conditions. On June 8, studios in Bavaria will be the last federal state to reopen their doors. Nevertheless, there is still uncertainty among many exercisers. How safe is training in a gym? And what should I pay attention to in times of Corona in the fitness studio?

COVID-19: Transmission routes

The most important means in the fight against the pandemic is still: Keep the necessary distance! The novel Sars-CoV-2 virus is mainly transmitted by airborne droplets. This means that the viruses are already emitted with the air we breathe, and of course they are particularly widely distributed by coughing or sneezing.

Aerosol spread cannot be ruled out at the present time. Other possible transmission routes are smear infections from the hand to the mucous membranes in the face. Smear infections via surfaces are also possible in the direct environment of an infected person.

What does this mean for you, your training and your behavior in the studio?

Even if the requirements differ slightly from state to state, there are still some rules of conduct that you must follow in any case to protect yourself and others from infection with the Corona virus.

Most importantly, if you have symptoms of a respiratory illness, do not work out at the gym. Stay home and contact your doctor as soon as possible to determine the cause of your illness.

Keep your distance: this simple rule basically brings the most success in fighting the pandemic. Your gym will do its best to arrange the training areas so that you can keep at least 1.5 m distance from other exercisers. If you have the opportunity to keep a greater distance: Use it! As tempting as it may be to chat with your neighbor on the treadmill during your cardio workout: For now, keep your workout to yourself. When you exercise, your breathing rate and depth increase, so viruses can be exhaled much farther than the usual 1.5 meters. So the more distance you keep, the better.

Be aware that certain types of exercise cannot be done at the moment. HIIT units, indoor cycling and sports with direct body contact are not possible at the moment.

Adhere to the usual hygiene rules:

  • Follow cough and sneeze etiquette, so cough or sneeze into the crook of your arm. Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly and avoid touching your face.
  • Bring a large, clean to wel to the workout and place it underneath when working out.
  • Assist the gym staff and clean the equipment you used after your workout. Pay particular attention to the areas you touched with your hands.

Ask: It is best to talk to the employees in the studio. Find out what measures your studio takes to support you during your workout. Can wait times be avoided by signing up for a workout? What equipment is not currently available? Are you allowed to bring your own small equipment? Do you currently need your own mat for classes?

Talking to them can give you a lot of important information and help you avoid mutual frustration from the start.

What does my studio do to protect me from infection?

    The catalogs of requirements issued by the federal states are quite strict. Therefore, in the coming weeks and months, your training in the studio will only work with understanding and consideration .

    Locked lockers, showers and equipment are a sign that your studio is implementing the requirements for your protection .

    Pay attention to the notices and information signs in your studio: There you will be fully informed about the measures taken!

    Follow the instructions of employees: All employees in fitness studios have been comprehensively informed and trained about regulations and measures. Deal openly and positively with feedback and accept tips.

    Use the cleaning and disinfecting agents provided. Although the staff in your gym clean and disinfect all critical areas and equipment at a much higher frequency, you can help ensure that all exercisers can exercise with a good feeling.

    Wear mouth-to-nose coverings in the entry and exit areas and designated areas in the gym. In places where the necessary distance cannot be maintained, you protect yourself and others from infection.

    Please understand that you may not be able to use certain services at this time: Swimming pools and other wellness areas must remain closed, and the gastronomic offer in your studio is also subject to strict conditions. Free self-service drinks from open containers may not be offered at the moment. The same applies to loose sugar or an open milk jug for coffee.

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    Editorial (DG)

    Photo credit: #325332407 Prostock-studio /

    Published on: 5 June 2020

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