Which muscles can you train with the pull-up bar?

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For your workout at home or the perfect session at the gym, there's hardly a piece of equipment that can take your workout to the next level like the pull-up bar. But with a pull-up bar, you can do more than just pull-ups to work muscles beyond latissimus and biceps. Learn how the pull-up bar works muscles all over the torso here.

Welche Muskeln kannst du an der Klimmzugstange trainieren?

With the pull-up bar to the muscles of your dreams

First, you should be able to distinguish between different pull-up bars and the exercises you can perform to know which muscles you can target.

A straight bar under the door, for example, is a bit more limited than a far more protruding wall mount with different grip types

. If your bar can hold more weight and you own some equipment, you can work even more muscles with your pull-up bar.

The classic pull-up in the overhand grip (fingers pointing towards you) on the straight bar mainly trains the latissimus, the width-defining muscles of the back and the biceps. If you want to focus more on the biceps, you should grip tightly and in an underhand

grip (thumbs pointing toward you). Grips that point toward you are even better for the biceps, but not every bar has them and that's not necessarily a disadvantage.

A wider grip with a sloping bar

, on the other hand, trains the latissimus and the trapezius muscle more, at least if you do it right. To really tease the trapezius, pull your shoulder blades together at the top. This is better for health and posture.

But you can also use a pull-up bar to work your triceps, lower chest and shoulders. However, to target these muscles with the pull-up bar, the bar must not have biceps grips. Because otherwise you won't be able to get past the bar in the Muscle Up. Be sure to note that the Muscle Up is a difficult and demanding exercise. The demands on you

and on the material are high, a sloppily drilled or even clamped bar you can easily press out of the wall here.

Less dangerous is abdominal training on the pull-up bar. Here you hang in a relaxed position, but with your chest open and not with your shoulders hanging out. From this position you can lift your stretched legs, squat your legs or rotate your legs in a circle, which requires straight abs and obliques in equal measure.

Abdominal training on the pull-up bar

One pull-up bar - many muscles

You already have all these training possibilities only with the pull-up bar, because the fact that it is a great holder for rings, sling trainers or grip trainers increases the number of training variations even more. Creative exercises on the pull-up bar are therefore also enough apart from the classic pull-up.

Find now your suitable pull-up bars at an unbeatable price on the new shopping platform for the fitness industry!

Find chin-up bars for your gym now

Editors fitnessmarkt.de (EA)

Photo Credit: #89414539 Prostock-studio / stock.adobe.com

Published on: 17 January 2020

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