What to consider when stretching

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If you stretch regularly, you will sooner or later become much more flexible. And that is exactly what makes the body supple and elegant. But of course it is also important to follow some important rules when stretching, so that no mistakes are made.
Stretching can lead to better performance in many sports. Stretching helps to more strength and builds up the muscles. Which then just has clear advantages for the body.
Accompanying training
An extensive stretching program should be part of every athlete
With good and supple muscles can be made clearly better sport. Stretching is also a must for runners. Because one thing is for sure with extensive stretching, injuries can be prevented. But not only that, because also the steps will clearly improve, because by stretching, the steps will become much larger and also more spacious. In addition, it is also achieved that the posture improves and the running style, so also becomes more fluid.

The main advantages

  • It prepares the muscles for loads.
  • One becomes more limber and flexible.
  • The posture improves.
  • The risk of injury is significantly minimized.

So stretching is useful
Stretching should never be neglected. It should always be done in combination with strength training. Because it is exactly then that the training will have the desired success.
Nevertheless, stretching should not simply be started now, because the exercises must be performed very carefully and, above all, very correctly. The exercises should be shown by an experienced trainer or therapist. He can also usefully explain why stretching is so important. And also what the purpose of a particular exercise is. A trainer will also be able to explain exactly how long and, above all, how often to stretch. In this way, the muscles are stretched and strengthened in a completely gentle way. The muscles are kept healthy and supple in an ideal way.

Who envies the people who can do a split impromptu. This envy does not have to be, because everyone can do it, although it requires some practice and also some patience, but if you stretch regularly, you will soon be able to do the splits. But for this, of course, must be stretched regularly and also extensively.

Stretching also requires practice
Those who want to start stretching must start very gently
Because if you want to have everything right away, you risk injuries. If you overstretch too much, you can quickly risk a setback. It is also very important to warm up thoroughly before stretching. Stretching should always be done only when the muscles have been properly. It is ideally done at the end of a workout.

Before you start
you can of course warm up in other ways, for example by running on the spot for 10 minutes or jumping rope. Stretching is really started only when you are really warm.
This is what stretching for the ideal split could look likeWhoever is
now well warmed up, sits on the floor and spreads the legs until a pulling sensation is felt
The back must always be straight during the exercise. But it is always important to make sure that stretching is gentle. The back is now very gently bent forward. Breathing is always done calmly the whole time. If pain occurs, then the stretching is stopped. If you do this exercise regularly, you will soon notice that the exercise becomes much easier. Stretching should be repeated as often as possible.

Image Source: #129650474 Microgen stock.adobe.com

Published on: 13 April 2015

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