What is the benefit of a massage mat and which one should I buy?

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What is a massage mat?

A massage mat is a mat on which you can lie down and over which then mainly your back and neck will be massaged. The mat can either be electronically powered to produce a massage, or it is an accupressure mat that applies pressure to your back through its plastic tips. Massage mats can be used to relax or fix various aches and pains.

Can a massage mat replace a masseur?

Whether a massage mat can replace a masseur is a tough question. If you're just looking for some relaxation and don't feel like driving miles to the nearest physical therapist, using a massage mat exclusively is perfectly fine. Of course, they never replace the feeling and result of a real massage through practiced hand movements.

Those who suffer from severe or chronic back pain, persistent tension or other discomfort will probably not be able to cope exclusively with a massage mat. In this case, treatment with such a mat should also be discussed beforehand with a physiotherapist or the doctor. However, a massage mat can be used here in addition to professional massage. Since appointments with a specialist are usually only once a week, an additional mat at home can be a great way to provide relief from pain.

How often can I use a massage mat?

Theoretically, you can use your massage mat every day. If you are undergoing physical therapy or medical treatment, you should discuss the frequency and duration with the therapist or doctor.

Even if you use the mat for relaxation and mild back pain, it is better to start slowly. For example, plan to use the mat three times a week for about 30 minutes. That way, you'll find out if it helps you and get used to it. This is especially true for an accupressure mat, which many users find painful at first.

With electric massage mats, you can adjust the intensity yourself and use it every day from the beginning. Depending on your preferences, you can increase the pressure of the massage over time.

What problems can I use them for?

Massage mats can be used for various problems and ailments:

Massage mat for tension

If you do sports or sit at the computer a lot, you often experience tension in the neck and back muscles. Besides active "problem solvers" like stretching exercises or yoga, passive "problem solvers" like a massage mat are also a first aid to get rid of these tensions.

Massage mat against back pain

A massage mat for the back and neck is ideal for pain in this area. It can also relieve chronic pain, and the mat is an ideal complement to therapeutic treatment. If you're already receiving treatment or suffering from severe pain, it's a good idea to discuss the use of a massage mat with your doctor or therapist in advance.

Massage mat against cellulite

The effect of massage mats against cellulite has not yet been scientifically proven. Some women swear by them and for others they do nothing at all. Basically, massages, whether performed by a masseur or using a massage mat, promote blood circulation and stimulate lymphatic circulation. They certainly can't make cellulite disappear, but they can make it look better.

Massage mat for relaxation

After a long tiring day, each of us would probably be happy to have a private masseur at home. Even though a massage mat is not the same, it comes very close to a private masseur. Laying down on a mat for 30 minutes every evening and letting it massage you is wonderfully relaxing.

What is the difference between a massage pad and a massage mat?

Unlike a massage mat, a massage pad can be placed on the bed, couch or a chair and used there. Maybe you know those typical wooden ball mats for the car? This is a variant of massage pads. Of course, these days they are also available electronically. The advantage of a massage pad is that it can be taken and used virtually anywhere. That is, in the office, in the car or at home at the desk. Unlike the massage mat, it can be used at the same time as other activities.

However, this flexibility also has a disadvantage: during a classic massage, you can't be distracted and answer e-mails on the side. When lying down, you can concentrate better on the correct position and your muscles. In addition, you are so much more relaxed, which has an additional positive effect on the muscles and the reduction of pain.

Massage mats comparison: Which variants are available?

As already mentioned, there are different massage mats. I will briefly describe the most common ones at this point:

Accupressure mat

In recent years, accupressure mats have become a big trend. Small plastic tips are incorporated into the mats. When you lie down on the mat, you press your body weight against these plastic tips, which is supposed to release tension and bring relaxation. In the beginning, these mats take some getting used to, as they can also hurt. The mats are already available for relatively small money.

Shiatsu mat

In a Shiatsu massage mat, small massage heads are incorporated vertically along the spine. These perform circular movements and thus stimulate the back muscles. Shiatsu, by the way, means fingers and pressure. This type of massage, which is actually performed with the hands, originally comes from Japan.

Air cushion massage mats

In an air cushion massage mat there are several air chambers, the number of which varies depending on the product. These mats are simply placed on the floor and connected to the mains. The mats are usually long enough to massage from the neck to the lower back. This is also the case with our 5-chamber air cushion massage mat. Here, the air cushions are gradually filled with air and thus exert pressure on the corresponding area. With our mat, the massage movement starts in the pelvic area and then slowly works its way up to the neck. This is to create a massage effect that is as natural as possible. Tension and pain can be relieved and reduced and, of course, the mat can also be used preventively.

Buy Gaponet massage mat

Author: Physiotherapist Marvin Seidel

Source and image source: Clubsante, # 247580056 DragonImages / stock.adobe.com

Published on: 9 August 2022

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