Transatlantic Fitness launches Core Roller Mini

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core roller miniLight, handy, effective - this is the new and especially small fascia roller from TriggerPoint. Transatlantic Fitness is now launching the Core Roller Mini, an aid that, when used regularly, can help to effectively eliminate many everyday problems such as back and knee pain, as well as poor posture.

Massaging the fascia, the thin, tendon-like skin of muscle, can relieve back and knee pain and also help people of all ages and fitness levels improve their Mobility, mobility and strength and strength.

The Core Roller Mini has a diameter of ten centimeters, is made of high quality foam and therefore weighs only 167 grams. Because the foam is softer than other rollers, the Core Roller Mini is especially suitable for beginners, because the massage is not high-intensity and therefore less painful, but still very effective. It can also be used to imitate different massage techniques - such as working with fingertips, fingers and thumbs, forearm or palm - to use exactly the form of massage that best helps your own muscles.

TriggerPoint's rollers are the only ones that channel blood and oxygen flow during rolling. Thus, massage with the Core Roller Mini can help relax muscles, improve recovery and flexibility, and increase mobility.

Source: Bodymedia

Published on: 25 September 2018

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