The right size - How long should a gymnastic band be?

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A gymnastics band is used in rehabilitation and strength training alike, because unlike free weights or weight machines, the point of force cannot be overcome. Instead, resistance increases progressively as the gymnastics band stretches, challenging the muscles throughout the movement. And when you're buying your exercise band, you'll probably be looking at the strength of the band first and foremost - the length is also important when it comes to exercise bands.

Gymnastikband - welche Länge?

The right length for your gymnastic band

To find the right size for your fitness band, you need to consider two important points: your body size and your workout. The latter is even more important than your own size, because it is only noticeable in the extremes.

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For a full body workout you should calculate with a length of 2,50 m. If you need a shorter band, you can vary the length of the gymnastic band via the handle or by using the band twice. Note, however, that you double the tension with each run of the band. Also, very protruding ends can be rather annoying during the workout. However, these can also be fixed with a clamp, which is included with many bands.

However, this length is only recommended for full-body exercises; if the band is to be stretched around the knees, for example, the gymnastic band should also be chosen significantly shorter. Lengths of about 1 m still leave you enough flexibility for various small exercises. The length is especially important if you are working with a gymnastic band with handles, because then you don't have the possibility to simply shorten the band.

If you want to know exactly how long your band should be, you can also go through the exercises with a tape measure before buying. Use the longest stretch of the movement as the measuring point and add a few centimetres. After all, you don't want to be too tight on the band.

What small equipment is popular for Functional Fitness?

It's all about the exercises - this is how you find the perfect fitness band

Whether for gentle rehabilitation training, a gentle introduction to a workout, as an aid for a concentrated workout or as a compact fitness device when travelling: A gymnastic band of the right length and strength is a useful tool on the way to your athletic goals. Depending on the workout you want to do, you will also need a suitable gymnastics band. If in doubt, you should always opt for a longer band - bands that are too long can be used in shorter lengths, while bands that are too short restrict your training.

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Image credit: #214397425 Prostock-studio /

Published on: 28 February 2020

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