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CAPITAL SPORTS | With the new Power Bags, functional training sessions with exercises such as squats, lunges or training the abdominal muscles very well, it says in a statement. There are a total of three different Power Bags. The Toughbag is filled with sand, weighs five to 25 kg and is suitable for balance or stabilization exercises. The Agoniz Power Bag can improve Coordination, strength or endurance and is a 28 kg heavy sandbag to Boxing. The third power bag is the Hydropow Aqua Bag: It can be filled with up to 90 liters of water and offers a diversified training. functional training with individual weight.

capital sports power bag

You can find out more about training with the Power Bag in the following article: The Power Bag: Small equipment - big effect!

Source: body LIFE

Published on: 3 August 2018

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