The best strength endurance circuit for you

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The strength-endurance circuit is not only an efficient tool in rehab to get your body back in shape, but also the perfect addition to your regular workout.

Find out here what the best strength-endurance circuit looks like for you, what equipment and principles must be included and what you need to pay attention to.

The best strength-endurance circuit - with space and performance

Even though every German student surely remembers circuit training from school, you should first be aware that you need space for a strength-endurance circuit.

Even in larger studios, it requires some space not only to set up the equipment, but also to provide the necessary concentrated atmosphere for the exercisers.

In milon's strength-endurance circuit, you need about eight machines. No matter in which variant you set them up, you will need some space in any case.

So whether you're setting up a studio, gym or practice, you should know in advance exactly how much space you have available to actually accommodate the corresponding strength-endurance circuit.

And while milon is the manufacturer of probably the best-known strength-endurance circuit, there are alternatives that are particularly suitable for modern studios. For example, a strength-endurance circuit can also follow the principles of CrossFit and consist of jump ropes, kettlebells and battle ropes. There are advantages and disadvantages to this, as it makes the workout more modern and dynamic, but of course it's not meant for beginners.

With a little experience and the right equipment, you can also put together your own strength-endurance circuit. You'll need two endurance machines and six strength machines that target muscle groups throughout the body. This is not witchcraft, but you lose the convenience that Milon's equipment offers. For many users, the best thing about the strength-endurance circuit is the ability to set the weight and preset the repetitions using a chip card. Not only Milon follows the same principles, but also the manufacturer eXcio.

If you want to use the advantages of a strength-endurance circuit yourself or even at home, you should pay attention to varied exercises.

Effective circuit training with the Circuit Series from Life Fitness

Execution and composition on the way to a healthy, toned body

To know exactly what the best strength-endurance circuit looks like for you, it's important to know what you want and what you need. If you know yourself and your body and want to work specifically on your performance, a circuit of free equipment is probably more appealing to you.

Classically designed circuits, on the other hand, take a lot of the work out of you and your guests or patients, which avoids mistakes like incorrect executions. The differences between these various circuits are significant, but this gives you the freedom to choose the best strength-endurance circuit for you.

Find the right strength-endurance circuit for you at an unbeatable price!

Find a strength-endurance circuit now

Editorial (DG)

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Published on: 2 November 2019

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