Ninja Warrior 2020 - Grip strength decides

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Last Friday, the preliminary rounds of the popular RTL show Ninja Warrior Germany 2020 ended. The preliminary course of the last round once again shows how crucial grip strength is for successfully completing the obstacles. This time, some candidates fell prematurely into the water - even though they still had momentum and strength. Grip strength - i.e. the strength in the hands and fingers - is really crucial in order not to simply slip at a crucial point and drop out prematurely.

Ninja Warrior Germany 2020

What actually is grip strength?

Grip strength is the ability of the hand and forearm to exert force by closing the hand, but also with individual fingers.

The hand is the most versatile "tool" of the human body. So it is hardly surprising that grip strength can be distinguished between 5 different types of force:

  • Crushing Grip
  • Wrist Strength
  • Pinching
  • Individual Finger Strength
  • Support Grip

Crushing grip, also known as squeezing force, is the force used when squeezing or crushing an object in the hand. This force is the most characteristic manifestation of the gripping force, which is probably the first thing most people think of when they hear the term. The Crushing Grip can be ideally trained for example with hand trainers, finger dumbbells, so-called "rage pills", i.e. balls that are pressed together, but also sandbells and soft weights.

Although Wrist Strength is not a direct component of grip strength, it is essential for athletic performance. Wrist strength allows athletes to exert stable force and maintain control during demanding holds. Wrist strength is also very important for injury prevention. During twisting movements of the hand, wrist strength is also crucial to the success and control of the exercise.

Wrist Strength is trained with classic exercises like push-ups or pull-ups, while the forearms also get an extra workout. If you choose a pull-up bar with an extra thick handle, you also train the squeezing strength of your hand.

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Pinching is primarily about thumb strength, whereas strength in the individual fingers is called Individual Finger Strength. The Pinch Grip Strength is mainly needed for picking up, catching and holding an object between the thumb and fingers. Individual Finger Strength, on the other hand, is absolutely crucial for athletic success in climbing and bouldering. You can ideally train the strength of the individual fingers with special hand or finger trainers.

Support Grip is the ability to hold a grip position for a longer period of time. Fans of the show Ninja Warrior are nodding their heads at the latest now: this type of grip strength enables the athletes to approach the task at the obstacle with the necessary calm. Because almost as crucial as the athletic performance is the ability to keep a cool head in Ninja Warrior Germany 2020.

You can train your strength with gymnastic rings, the pull-up bar or push-up bars for push-ups. Gym rings are also ideal for supporting your wrist strength and forearm strength training.

All-rounders for training your grip strength are also so-called fat grip dumbbells, kettlebells and block weights.


With a well-developed grip strength, it is not only easier to climb and boulder, but with the right training you will also be better able to overcome obstacles such as the time jump or the hanging baskets in the Ninja Warrior course.

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Find grip strength trainers now

Editorial (DG)

Picture credits: RTL, Ninja Warrior Germany

Published on: 11 November 2020

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