How to train correctly on a triceps machine – exercise tips for training on a triceps machine

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When using a triceps machine, you are training first and foremost the triceps, but additionally you can train forearms and wrists. There are different versions of this machine and also combined equipment of triceps and biceps machines are available. As the triceps machine can be adjusted individually it is important to choose the suitable adjustment according to your size. There are several exercise angles and starting positions possible by using the starting angle adjustment. In this way, the training machine can be adapted to your flexibility to train special groups of muscles and avoid injuries. Training on triceps training equipment strains the upper arms, but it is important to start easy into the training and don’t overstrain yourself to avoid injuries.

Starting to train on a triceps machine
If you are using a fitness machine for the first time, you should get used to the motion sequence and start training with low weight. You should not increase the weights until you perfectly perform the exercise. To avoid mistakes you should get advice by a trainer or someone that performs the exercise on this training equipment very good and is able to correct your body posture. You should also avoid high intensity to not overload your muscles. You should change the contents of the training like

  • Number of repetitions
  • Length of the breaks
  • Chosen exercises
  • Intensity of the training

after 6 to 8 weeks to have permanent effects. The desired results can only be achieved by regular training on triceps fitness equipment, but you should always keep in mind the importance of recovery after training.

The correct body posture
To do exercises on the triceps machine correctly right from the beginning and to avoid injuries, the training position is very important. At first you have to adjust the training machine correctly according to your height. Sit in a way that your back lies against the back padding of the triceps machine. Put your feet on the ground in shoulder width, the thighs and lower legs should be in a right angle position. Now grasp the grips of the machine and angle your elbows in 90°.

Now about the performance
As soon as you are in the correct starting position on the fitness equipment, it is about the performance. Strain the muscles of the trunk and stretch the arms against the resistance of the machine. Keep in mind that the movement should only come from the arms. When the elbow joint is nearly fully stretched, you have reached the final position and completed the exercise. While pressing against the resistance breathe in and hold your position for a moment. For the final position it is important to not stretch the elbows completely to avoid injuries and relieve the joints. To repeat the exercise on the triceps machine, lead back the grips by curling your elbows. This movement is completed when the arms are back in the starting position. When training on this machine, you should care for fulfilling the exercise always according to the joint angles.

What to keep in mind when training on a triceps machine
To avoid overloads and injures of muscles, fibers and joints when training on a triceps machine, the balance between training and recovery has to be kept. It is important to care for avoiding mistakes right from the beginning, because it is difficult to correct wrong postures when the training person has already got used to it. Avoid forced respiration during expulsion. It is recommendable to breathe in while straining and breathe out while relieving pressure. You should always train in upright position and avoid doing a hollow back. Keep your head upright like it were an extension of the spine. Don’t do jerky movements or bend the wrists. Stop training immediately if you feel any pain while doing the exercise.

Here you can find the ads of all triceps machines on

Published on: 22 October 2014

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