Crosstrainer with a difference - the Arc Trainer from Life Fitness

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Already in 2018, Life Fitness introduced the Arc Trainers crosstrainers with alternative motion sequences. The innovative equipment series includes the Full Body Arc Trainer and the Lower Body Arc Trainer. The alternative motion sequence is suitable for both beginners and advanced exercisers. In total, Life Fitness ' Arc Trainers feature 21 incline levels, so workouts can be perfectly customized to individual training levels. Movable levers with multigrip bars allow for a true full-body workout. Instead of the normal motion sequence on a cross trainer, Life Fitness Arc Trainers can be used to imitate gliding walking, striding and climbing, putting significantly less stress on the knees than walking, for example.

3 impact and incline levels for versatile training

When training on the low incline and impact levels, the Arc Trainers imitate a gliding walk like cross-country skiing, while the medium levels are most similar to the motion sequence of a classic elliptical trainer. The high levels imitate a climbing or stepping experience that is easy on the joints . Thus, training with the Arc Trainers practically allows 3 workouts with only one cardio machine. The Full Body Arc Trainer was designed for an effective full-body workout, while the Lower Body Arc Trainer leaves out the upper body and focuses entirely on the legs, buttocks and lower back.
With the patented Arc movement pattern, the hips and knees move in sync, with the foot always remaining under the knee. This reduces joint pain , and the workout with the Arc trainers is extremely comfortable. The really fine adjustable intensity levels combined with the ease of use and high quality biomechanics of the equipment make for really great versatility when training with the equipment. Each user can achieve their own strength, endurance, weight loss , and cardio training goals efficiently and in a relatively short amount of time.

Avoiding mistakes with the crosstrainer

Interactive training through innovative console technology

Arc trainers can be combined with a variety of consoles. With the Discover SE3 tablet console, Arc Trainers are upgraded with the easy-to-use touchscreen, exercisers can access various features like entertainment apps, internet television, interactive classes and more. That's not a must, though. The functional X, and C consoles, respectively, also allow for the usual high-quality training support, but without the entertainment features of the Discover series consoles.


Life Fitness' Arc trainers are ideal for any fitness area with limited space. 21 resistance levels allow for a seamless workout transition and provide a 3-in-1 effect.The Arc Trainers mimic cross-country skiing, elliptical training and stepper, or climber, in just one piece of equipment. The joints are optimally protected with the Arc Trainers, which is confirmed by sports science. With the Arc Trainers from Life Fitness you expand your workout by several dimensions compared to a normal cross trainer!

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Editorial (DG)

Picture credits: LF-Arc-Trainer-1106_mr / Life Fitness

Published on: 13 June 2019

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