Creating a good ad - title and texts

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Good photos of your sales item are the bait you use to attract prospects to your ad and, at best, keep them there, but both the title and the text have an impact on the success of your ad. Both the title and the text have an impact on the success of your ad. We have compiled the most helpful tips for optimizing the text of your advertisements here.

Der richtige Titel und Text für dein Inserat

Facts, figures and data

At the beginning of the advertisement creation, you can define certain parameters for your sales item in the input mask. The more precisely you describe your article with these parameters, the better. First, select the section in which you want your ad to be displayed. Under Fitness you advertise all fitness equipment, under Physio all sales items suitable for rehab and physiotherapy practices. Under Beauty fall articles, which serve the Kosmetik or beauty care . Next, select the correct main category, the input mask will then offer you matching subcategories to your selected main category. Specificity is important, make sure to be as accurate as possible here. If you are unsure exactly which category your sales item falls into, the experts at will be happy to advise you at any time.

In the next step, you select additional parameters or enter them yourself. Again, the more specific you can describe your item with these simple details, the more interest your ad will generate.

Creating a good ad - Meaningful product photos

The title

The first thing a potential buyer will get to read is the title of your listing. The major search engines also read the title of the ad, so a good, meaningful title helps make a successful sale. These first words tell the prospect the most important facts about your sale item and answer the first, most important questions. The title is therefore crucial in determining whether a prospect will click on your ad, or scroll right on. Answer as many questions as possible directly in the title and always build it according to the same scheme. "Brand - Device type - Exact device description - Color - Possible special features" has proven to be a good scheme. Prospects who have an exact purchase idea know immediately whether your ad is for them, at the same time your ad will also be found by customers who are still further at the beginning of the customer journey. A customer who wants to buy exactly this crosstrainer of the brand will find your ad just as much as a customer who does not yet have an idea of exactly which model he wants to purchase and only knows that he is looking for a crosstrainer of this particular brand. Your ad will also be found by interested parties who still have very few ideas about the product they are looking for, but so far are only sure that they want to buy a crosstrainer.

Openly state the condition of the item for sale - potential buyers will appreciate your honesty. If the equipment has signs of use, it makes sense to state that as well. Especially if you frequently advertise used equipment, this honesty helps to gain the trust of the prospective buyer. Stating a year of construction also increases confidence in your item for sale.

You have the option to offer different shipping options - use this option so that a potential buyer knows from the beginning if and which costs he has to calculate besides the equipment price.

The description

Don't worry. You don't have to write long, flowery text to sell your product well. Describe the item in a way that doesn't force the prospect to ask. So, the description should include all the important information:

When was the item purchased? How long has the item been in use? To which series does it belong? In what condition is the item? What signs of use are present? Has maintenance/overhaul been carried out? Is the item possibly defective? What special features does the item have?

Proceed in order of importance: Particularly important arguments that speak for your sales item should be mentioned as far in front as possible in the description text, write less important details later in the description.

If your product needs to be explained, you have the opportunity to do so in the description. Pay attention to spelling and avoid mistakes, this will make you look professional and your sales item much higher quality.

Less is often more in the description: your prospect wants to be informed about your product as compactly as possible and not read a novel. Avoid self-praise or badmouthing other sellers - this quickly comes across as unprofessional. Rather, find good arguments that speak for your item. Since you can't use the ad to make a sales pitch, you have to let the ad do the talking. Avoid pure bullet point lists, a short, concise text presents your article in a sympathetic way, you can still present the facts below your sales text as a sober list.

Below the input fields for the German-language title and the German-language item description you will find the same input fields to add an English translation. will automatically translate your ad into English when you click on "Next" - if you are not satisfied with the translation, you can simply click back on "Ad Details" from the overview of your ad and adjust the translation according to your wishes.


By following a few rules for the text of your listings, you make it easier for potential buyers to find the right product. A suitable title will make your listing easy to find and thus can attract more prospects, a concise description text will do the job of a well-managed sales pitch and help you convince prospects of your sale item.

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Editors (DG)

Image Credit: #209700133-VadimGuzhva-Adobe.Stock

Published on: 30 September 2019

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