Life Fitness T3 Treadmill for home gym

€989.00 incl. 0% VAT


ID 239594
Category Treadmill
Shipping: Shipping costs extra
Brand Life Fitness
Condition Used (refurbished)
Location Żołędowo, Poland
Year of manufacture unknown


Solid Life Fitness T3 remanufactured home treadmill that is safe for your joints. Menu language - German.

This treadmill boasts a 2.5HP continuous duty motor that has a max speed of 16 km/h and a max. incline of 15%. This motor is perfect for both beginners and intermediate runners who want intense workouts. The running surface has enough room for you to move comfortably. It is ideal for both walking and running. This deck also comes with FlexDeck Shock Absorption System that reduces stress on your joints while running to help prevent injuries.

This Life Fitness T3 treadmill also features 7 pre-programmed workouts (Hill, Random, Manual, Sport Training, 5K Sport Training, 10K Sport Training, EZ Incline) to give you more variety in your working out routine. 

Other features include a 10-character LED readout that shows basic information regarding your run,  like distance, calories, heart rate, etc. Built with a track console, this Life Fitness treadmill supports iPods and iPhones, enabling you to listen to music as well.


Accessory Tray

Built-in Reading Rack

10-character LED readout

Robotically welded steel frame

GoSystem one-touch Quick Start

On-The-Fly Programming

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GP Koncept
Magdalena Piekarska

Jastrzębia 76
86-021 Żołędowo


+48 517608079