What is the best way to train the lower abs?

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One or the other knows it, because you have worked out a great flat stomach and the upper abdominal muscles are great visible, but the only thing that is missing are lower abdominal muscles, so that the striking six-pack is finally visible.
But many do not know that there are very specific workouts to train the lower abs. When working out, it's important to remember: The lower abs are the king among work-outs. This means that even more concessions must be made here in the diet and also in the training.

Work-out of the lower abdominal muscles:Cycling (bicycle abdominal press)

Description of the exercise for the lower abdominal muscles:

  • Lie supine on the floor and fully extend your legs. The entire body should be parallel to the floor.
  • Place the arms above the head or by the side for added stability.
  • Then slowly bring the left leg to the chest. As it does so, bend the knee as it comes toward the chest. As you do this, the knee should come as close to the chest as possible.
  • Once the left leg is at the chest, the right leg is also brought to the chest in the same sequence, but at the same time the left leg is brought back to the straight position.

Note: To keep the focus on the obliques during the lower abs workout, raise the torso while keeping the hands behind the head, and rotate the torso so that the left elbow meets the right knee as it is brought to the chest.

  • Throughout the lower abs exercise, the legs should never touch the floor. The best thing is to keep them 5 - 15 cm above the floor. The lowered position should be held for 1 - 2 seconds before switching to the other leg.

Explanation of the work-out "cycling" for the lower abdominal muscles
The movement should be very continuous, meaning that one leg is always extended while the other is close to the chest. All movements of this work-out should be performed slowly and in a controlled manner.
By placing the arms behind the head or at the side, one can fully concentrate on the lower abdominal muscles during the execution of the exercise. Interestingly, this work-out also trains the upper abdominal muscles.

Reverse Brunch: another work-out for lower absThe

movements of this exercise should always be performed in a very controlled and conscious manner, because only in this way can you train the lower abs optimally


  1. Lie with your back on a bench that has handles at the ends. If such a bench is not available, then you can also use a bench with a stable base to hold on to.
  2. Reach behind the head with both hands or to the sides of the head and grab the handles or pad.
  3. Bend the legs and then bring the knees to the chest. But only so far that the pelvis does not lift off the bench. Now you are in the starting position.
  4. Now lift the knees even higher (towards the face), rounding the back and at the same time lifting the pelvis off the bench in a contracting motion. At the highest point, hold the position briefly to work the lower abs more effectively.
  5. Lower the knees and buttocks together until the pelvis is back on the bench, i.e. in the starting position. At the same time the legs should NOT be stretched further!

Important tips for the work-out for the lower abdominal muscles
Not only in lower abs workout, but in abdominal workout in general, the consistent work-out must be combined with a healthy diet. These two exercises show only a fraction of the work-outs to train his entire abdominal muscles and also very special the lower abdominal muscles. This is because no exercise favors burning fat in a specific area, but you need to lose weight on the entire body to show muscles.

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Editorial fitnessmarkt.de (EA)

Published on: 10 March 2015

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