What is the best way to train the front shoulders?

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Shoulder training is a complex element in weight training. But not only the martial artists should strengthen this muscle, because just these muscles, in the shoulders are really of enormous importance and are all three muscle parts in the shoulder strong, then will be able to prevent painful tension in the neck. So as far as the shoulders are concerned, it consists of three parts, and that is the front shoulder, the back shoulder and the middle shoulder.
Besides looking great, if the muscles on the shoulders are well developed, there are a number of other benefits. Because if the muscles are well developed, then it can bring a lot of advantages for various sports. The muscles at the shoulders consist of the muscle parts and the rotator cuff and only these let our arms become mobile. If you train the shoulders, you can do it as a whole, or you can do special isolation exercises, where for example only the front shoulders can be strengthened.
The anterior shoulder muscle

The anterior shoulder muscle is a large muscle that lies above the shoulders


It also secures, at the same time, the complete shoulder joint and holds it in the socket. Its function is to lift the upper arm. The anterior shoulders have to work extremely hard day after day and are subjected to a lot of strain. With targeted training, the muscles can be effectively strengthened and built.

Very good exercises for the front part of the shoulders

The Military Press, strengthens the front part of the shoulder muscles


Of course, it requires some patience until the muscle growth is noticeable and of course, stamina is required.

Military Press: This is an exercise that is usually performed in a seated position with a barbell. The upper body must be absolutely vertical and the back must be straight. The barbell is now gripped at the width of the shoulders. The barbell is now lowered onto the chest in a very controlled manner, and it is important to pay attention to breathing. Exhale as the barbell is lowered. Now press the barbell upwards and inhale.

Important when performing the exercise

  • The arms are never completely pressed through.
  • A hollow back must be avoided at all costs.
  • The correct sitting position must be observed as a matter of urgency. So that no back problems occur and also the breathing is not hindered.

More exercises for the front shoulders

As for the front shoulders, there are plenty of exercises that are quite simple to perform and also do not necessarily require a gym. Moreover, the front portion of the shoulders, can be trained very isolated. Thereby it is dumbbells, which can be used for these purposes in the best way. However, it must always be ensured that you do not overexert yourself too much with the weights. It is always better to increase the weights slowly. First, proceed in such a way that the number of repetitions is increased and then the weight. A perfect exercise to train the front shoulders with dumbbells would be:

Standing in a hip-width stance, take a dumbbell in both hands. Then raise the outstretched arms as far as possible, but no further than chest level, then lower them again and repeat at least 15 times. To intensify the exercise, short stops can be made again and again while lowering the arms. A very effective exercise for the front shoulders.

This must be avoided during training

In order not to risk injuries, should always be stretched before the exercises of the shoulders, the corresponding muscles. All exercises are performed slowly and jerky movements must be avoided. If the strength decreases, then it is better to stop the exercise. Also, if there is pain during the workout.

Here you can find strength equipment for shoulders!

Image Source: #135845464 Samo Trebizan stock.adobe.com.png

Published on: 19 March 2015

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