What is the best way to train the back shoulders?

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As for the posterior shoulders (musculus deltoideus spinalis), they are part of the shoulder muscles. With this muscle it is so that it can be trained quite badly alone. Because if the posterior shoulder is trained, then it is usually the case that the trapezius muscle is also trained. But also in reverse, it is so that if the trapezius muscle is strengthened, then the rear shoulders are also strengthened.
The rear parts are responsible for turning the arm outward. An isolated exercise for the back shoulders would be the Reverse Flys. There are many different variations of this exercise and all of them are just for the back part of the shoulders.

The Reverse Fly
This is an exercise that really only strengthens the back shoulders. You don't need much for this exercise except a dumbbell.
The exercise is not too difficult to perform. Of course, you have to pay attention to the correct execution. To do this, stand shoulder-width apart and in each hand is a dumbbell. When performing the exercise, you bend your knees very slightly. The upper body is upright and slightly bent forward. However, the back must remain fully extended and straight at all times. Only the correct posture, prevents back problems, if the exercise is not performed properly, then it can unfortunately very quickly lead to back pain, up to disc problems. The arms hold the dumbbells and they point downwards and are almost completely stretched. On the exhale, the dumbbells are brought up the side of the body with the arms extended. The highest point of the movement is also the end point of the execution and that is the height of the head. Once the height of the head is reached, then it is important to contract the shoulder blades behind. It is important to know that the back shoulder is trained until the height of the head is reached. The contraction of the shoulder blades strengthens the hood muscle. When the end point of the exercise is reached, slowly return to the starting position.
There are three basic variations of this exercise and they would be:

  • Reverse Fly, which is the classic type of exercise.
  • Reverse Flys on a flat bench
  • Reverse Flys on an incline bench

What to look for in the exercises
If exercises are done that train the back shoulder, then you must always start slowly. This means that the weight of the dumbbells must be increased very slowly. This ensures that the rear shoulder is strengthened more slowly, but in a healthy and gentle way. In this way, no health consequences will occur and it will not lead to overload. It is also important that the training is varied, because with all the zeal, the other muscle parts must not be neglected. And after the training session, it is imperative to sufficiently stretch the muscle region that was just also stressed. Otherwise, unfortunately, it can very quickly lead to tension. If the muscles are then strengthened after many training sessions, it is also suitable to vary the weights again and again.

What behavior can lead to injuries
As with any exercise, it is also with these workouts so that in the execution, very many mistakes can be made and these should not be made, because this can unfortunately also quickly have fatal consequences. It is very bad if the exercises are performed much too quickly. Many also make the mistake that the movement sequence is not clean and is also much too jerky. It is absolutely necessary to avoid using the arms to gain momentum, because this is not necessary. The hunchback must also be avoided at all costs.

fitnessmarkt.de: Buy Strength Equipment for Shoulders at Top Prices!

Published on: 11 March 2015

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