TOGU tips for preventing back pain

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The majority of people spend a lot of time sitting down. Usually in a rigid and unhealthy posture. The consequences are one-sided strain on the back muscles, poor support for the intervertebral discs and often back pain. The Dynair ball cushions from TOGU can counteract this: the adaptable air cushions ensure healthy, active sitting. They train the back muscles quite simply and incidentally - while seated.

The latest model is the Dynair Comfort wedge ball cushion. The ergonomically shaped and adaptable air cushion is ideal for use in the office, at home or on the move. In addition to the cushion, TOGU has developed the "Healthy Training" concept in close cooperation with medical professionals. This includes various 15-minute training programs that are available online - the Dynair ball cushion can also be used for some exercises.

The "Bundesverband der deutschen Rückenschulen e.V." and the "Forum Gesunder Rücken - besser leben e.V." have been impressed by the TOGU product: experts from these associations have tested and recommended it. In addition, the Dynair ball cushion has been awarded the ARG seal of approval by the "Aktion Gesunder Rücken e.V." by independent experts from science and medicine.

Source: F&G

Published on: 19 December 2014

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