The most important training principles for muscle and mass building

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In addition to a methodically correct strength training, which is specifically aimed at hypertrophy (muscle cross-section growth), the nutrient intake must also be appropriately targeted. It is imperative to maintain a positive energy balance; with enough protein but also carbohydrates. A low carb diet is out of place here. Also before and/or during training, it makes sense to supply carbohydrates in order to have enough energy at all for the required high-intensity loads. Creatine supplementation increases the power output and thus enables a more intensive workout.

Within half an hour after the workout, protein shakes with quickly available whey protein are ideal, which can also be taken 30-60 minutes before the workout - depending on the daily routine and training times. If carbohydrates are not taken elsewhere, you should add e.g. maltodextrin to the shake or prefer a combination product. Within two hours after training, another such protein-carbohydrate portion or a main meal should follow. In the evening, before going to bed, it is recommended to have another late meal with slowly available protein in order to keep the long night phase with the inevitable catabolic phase as short as possible.

Proteinshakes für den Muskelaufbau

Training principles for muscle building at a glance

  • Without suitable strength training, there will be no success in muscle building.
  • Pay attention to exercise variety and variation, so that the training and growth stimulus for the muscles remains large enough.
  • Each workout should stress exercises for large muscle groups, as these increase the growth stimulus.
  • Ideally, complete 3-4 strength workouts per week.
  • Pay attention to timing! Take an appropriate, easily digestible protein-carbohydrate supplement immediately before and after training.
  • Always enter strength training with full energy stores and consume either a main meal or protein snack 60-90 min after training.

Source : Sponser

Image Source: #401170034 mike /

Published on: 12 August 2022

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