Running like in nature: The new crosstrainer from Precor

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PrecorDo you prefer jogging in the great outdoors? Now that winter is coming, this can be very unpleasant, because the cold and wet significantly dampen the fun of running. Wouldn't it be nicer to work out in the gym or at home instead? With the new crosstrainer from Precor you can do your workout inside and still feel like you're running outside!

Precor's first elliptical fitness machine came out in 1995. The Elliptical Fitness Crosstrainer™ (EFX®) pioneered a great success story of high-quality, professional cross-trainers. Now, 21 years later, the fifth generation of Precor crosstrainers is released: the Experience™ Series EFX®which sets new standards.

A real running experience: The "Converging CrossRamp".

The special feature of this crosstrainer is the so-called "Converging CrossRamp" technology: The new ramp design mimics very precisely the real running and walking motion. This makes training on the Experience™ Series EFX® realistic and gives you an individual training feeling - as if you were jogging directly in the forest. The ramp's height adjustability allows for a versatile workout that reaches different muscle groups. So, together with the movable handles, a complete full-body workout is feasible.

Advantages for gyms

The new crosstrainer also offers only advantages for you as a gym operator: you or your technicians can reach the inside of the machine, i.e. the mechanical components, in no time at all, and all you need is a screwdriver. In addition, the crosstrainer's "Active Status Light" feature lets you know immediately when repairs and maintenance are needed. This way, your crosstrainer is quickly ready for use again by your gym members. And the less your equipment breaks down due to technical problems, the more your customers can work out and the happier they are!

New and used fitness equipment from Precor you can also buy via!

Precor CrossRamp"Converging CrossRamp" for a customized running experience.

Image sources: Precor

Published on: 17 October 2016

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