How to train correctly with barbell and dumbbell sets – training tips

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Training with barbells and dumbbells offers various possibilities for workout – you can do the exercises at home and don’t have to care for the opening hours of a gym. Often complete sets of barbells or dumbbells can be bought to train the different groups of muscles. This kind of workout is suitable for beginners and advanced athletes in the same way, the strain and number of repeats can be increased step by step together with the training progress. The training is done without a machine which means the movements are not supported. Therefore a higher number of muscles is being strained during the workout which makes it especially effective.

What is to consider when training with barbells and dumbbell sets?

Athletes who have already been exercising on strength training machines have an advantage when starting to train with barbell and dumbbell sets. In this case the power training resulted in grown muscles, but experience is not necessary. If you want to start training with barbell and dumbbell sets and have no experience in strength training, it is recommendable to begin with low weights and only a small number of repeats. If you have done several strength training workouts, you can increase the weight and number of reps. If you are a beginner, you should also get informed in a gym which barbells or dumbbells are suitable for the beginning. You should care for training all groups of muscles to gain the highest efficiency. You can also get instructed on different exercises in a gym or look for videos and tips on the internet. To train more efficiently, you should create a workout plan – the trainer in the gym can support you with this task. The workout plan should contain:

1.    Suitable barbell and dumbbell sets
2.    Different exercises
3.    Number of repeats
4.    Change of the exercises

Available versions of barbell and dumbbell sets

Barbell and dumbbell sets are available in various versions. Barbells and dumbbells both consist of a bar and weight plates. Normally they can be equipped with different weight plates which allows a large variety of training weights. When buying barbell and dumbbell sets, you will receive the barbell together with several weight plates which are often of different weights. Purchasing barbell and dumbbell sets have the advantage that you don’t have to buy new weight plates to change the training weight. There are sets of barbells, dumbbells or EZ bars. Dumbbells are normally sold in sets of two.

Possible fields off use for barbell and dumbbell sets

Barbell and dumbbell sets can be used in different fields: First the workout serves to build muscles, but it can also lead to burning fat and straining several parts of the body. Training with light barbell and dumbbell sets is also used in physiotherapy and rehabilitation. However, barbell and dumbbell sets are used most for muscle training which is very efficient because the straining includes many different muscles. You should train all muscles and try to do short and varied exercises. This is important to avoid the muscles to get used to a certain kind of training. Training should be done regularly, but you should also care for the necessary rest periods. Training more often than three times a week is not recommended. If you want to strain your body, it is important to burn fat and train special parts of the body like the chest or abdominal with the barbell and dumbbell sets. When training regularly it helps to avoid storing of fat in the tissue. Another important point for the training with barbell and dumbbell sets is to do the exercises correctly. Be careful not to gain momentum using the upper body, because then the training won’t be efficient. Furthermore you should never stretch your knees and elbows completely to avoid injuries and deterioration. Avoiding these mistakes is a basic issue right from the beginning.

Here you can find the available barbell and dumbbell sets on

Published on: 15 January 2015

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