How to train correctly on abdominal strength training equipment – exercise tips for training

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A flat and muscular abdomen, the so called six-pack, looks athletic and is what many training men are aiming for. But also women try to get a flat abdomen that can be muscular. Especially after they had been pregnant, many women feel that their abdomen is not firm enough anymore. Doing exercises on abdominal strength training equipment is an effective method to build up muscles but also to get rid of existing fat pads. In gyms various power machines are being offered, but not all are suitable for abdominal training. To avoid the discomfort of leaving the house and going to a gym, you can also buy suitable training machines for home use.

Choosing the suitable strength training machines for the abdomen
To train efficiently on abdominal strength training equipment, it is important to choose suitable machines. You can use different machines in rotation to train several groups of muscles and avoid boring exercise sessions. To train different muscle groups you can use

  • Abdominal crunch machines
  • Rotary presses for trunk and lateral abdominal muscles
  • Abdominal muscle benches for free training

You should get advised before training on new machines in a gym. Tell your trainer which muscles you want to strain, if you want to get rid of fat pads or just want to have a flat, young looking abdomen. The trainer will inform you about suitable strength training machines and show you the exercises correctly. When you are training for the first time you should not do the exercises without the support of a trainer, because wrong postures can quickly lead to strains or injuries.

How to use different abdominal strength training machines
To train the abdomen the abdominal crunch machine is used often. Sitting on the abdominal crunch machine that has a back rest and leg padding to offer more stability for the whole body, you don’t only train your abdominal muscles, but also counteract spine discomfort and improve your complete body posture. Using the abdominal crunch machine you can do crunches and sit-ups easier than without machines and the training effect is better.

The rotary press is another machine that is used for abdominal training. A strained abdomen seems not only athletic and attractive, but also has a supporting function that is important for an upright body posture. A rotary press trains the abdominal muscles and increases the supporting function which leads to less back discomfort. As the rotary press strains especially the oblique abdominal muscles, the trunk muscles and the lower back by the twisting moves and the exercises are very efficient. Training on a rotary press is done in a sitting position.

Doing exercises with abdominal strength training machines, abdominal muscle benches are also used often. They provide a back-friendly surface on which you are lying. Different than other equipment, the abdominal muscle bench allows free training: you can do different exercises for the abdominal muscles, especially crunches. Doing crunches with a machine has stronger effects than on a mat. The fitness trainer can show you the correct body posture for training on an abdominal muscle bench and suitable types of crunches.

What to consider when doing exercises on abdominal strength training equipment
To gain the best effects, it is important to have the correct posture. Several training machines have to be adjusted to the height of the athlete. Always remember to have enough breaks and train regularly. Change the used machines and done exercises.

Here you can find the offered abdominal strength training equipment on

Published on: 22 October 2014

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