gym80 expands Plate Loaded series

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Strength training is becoming more and more popular lately - and not only with men, but increasingly with women as well! The new trend for women is away from cardio-to strength training. More and more women are enthusiastic about a defined muscle build-up. The Plate Loaded series of the Gelsenkirchen-based premium equipment manufacturer gym80 offers all female - and of course also male - members in fitness studios optimal possibilities for strength training.


What is the Plate Loaded Series?

The Plate Loaded series is the further development of training with free weights because all machines are equipped with weight plates. The equipment enables gym-goers to train both halves of the body separately and in a balanced manner, because it has two independently mounted load arms.

gym80 places particular emphasis on biomechanics and quality of workmanship in the development and production of its equipment. This gives the user of the equipment an extremely direct training sensation, because at gym80 there are no rollers, no bands, and no gearing; instead, the company concentrates on the essentials. The experience of decades of development work goes into every machine.

Which machines are new?

The successful Plate Loaded series has now been expanded by seven machines to a total of 20. A highlight of the new series is the prone bench press machine whose movements correspond one-to-one to a free exercise with a dumbbell. With this machine, both halves of the body can be trained separately thanks to two independent movement arms, and muscular imbalances can be compensated for. Also new are an abdominal machine the rowing machine High Row as well as the Deadlift machine, a multi-talent with which numerous different exercises are possible.

The Plate Loaded series is to be expanded even further in the future. So at the moment there are about ten more machines in development.

You already have Plate Loaded equipment from gym80 in your gym and would like to expand your strength training area with the new machines? Via you can also buy equipment directly from the manufacturer gym80!

Published on: 30 August 2016

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