Buy or sell TOP used Joschko gym equipment

4 Ads for Joschko
Joschko Gym Equipment Package, Plate Loaded, used, strength training, made in Germany
Joschko gluteus radial / glute machine, white, used
Ulsnis, Germany
Joschko Gluteus radial, white, used
Ulsnis, Germany
Joschko Hyperextension   Back Extension, straight, silver, used
Ulsnis, Germany
Something to sell in this category? List now and you can reach the correct target groups!

The producer of gym equipment, Joschko, mainly offers strength training equipment, including calf machines, leg presses, abdominal machines, butterflies and biceps machines.

Buy new and used Joschko gym equipment:

You don’t have the time to go to the gym? Then why don’t you buy new or used Joschko gym equipment for your home? On you can find a wide range of fitness and therapy equipment offered by private persons, retailers, manufacturers or owners of gyms, rehabilitation centers and physiotherapy practices. After finding an appropriate machine, you can directly get in touch with the sellers of the new or used Joschko training equipment by using their provided contact data or the contact form.

Sell new and used Joschko gym equipment:

You want to sell new or used Joschko gym equipment? Then our platform is the right place for you!
On a lot of athletes, gym owners and private persons search for appropriate machines. To sell your new or used Joschko training equipment, you only have to register on our website and then you can create an ad in just a few simple steps.

Tips for creating a successful ad on

You should take some tips in order to make your ad look attractive to prospective buyers and thus sell your new or used Joschko training equipment faster.

  1. Try to describe your new or used Joschko gym equipment as detailed as possible. Mention all functions, visual characteristics (for example the colour of the cushions) and the condition of the new or used Joschko exercise equipment.
  2. Don’t forget to upload some pictures of the new or used Joschko gym equipment so that prospective buyers can get an impression of what the machine looks like. Make sure you use high-quality pictures!
  3. Potential buyers of your new or used Joschko gym equipment are interested in delivery of the machine. If you are able to deliver, state this information in your ad. If you don’t have the possibility to deliver the new or used Joschko training equipment, you can refer to the different providers in our service category Transport & Relocation.

Advantages of has many advantages that increase the chance of selling your new or used Joschko gym equipment. A lot of people visit our website every month, which means a great number of potential buyers of your new or used Joschko gym equipment. Moreover, you can upload an ad in a very easy and fast way on All you have to do is register on our platform and soon your ad for new or used Joschko training equipment will be online. If you want to buy a machine for yourself, you can directly get in touch with the sellers of the new or used Joschko fitness equipment. Furthermore, on you can find a wide range of service providers of the fitness industry for services like transport, repair or financing.

Good luck with buying or selling new or used Joschko exercise equipment or with searching for your own appropriate machine. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to give us a call at +49 911 5219 1910 or email us to

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