Buy or sell new or used Foreman Fitness leg presses

2 Ads for Foreman Fitness Leg Press
Price: €2,690.00
Hamm, Germany
LEG PRESS 45° FP-105
LEG PRESS 45° FP-105
Price: €2,690.00
Hamm, Germany
Something to sell in this category? List now and you can reach the correct target groups!

Foreman Fitness creates high-quality products and chiefly focuses on four kinds of equipment: whole assortment of strength training equipment (arms, legs, abdominal, chest, back and shoulders), pieces of furniture made of HPL (which means high pressure laminate) and aluminium, solutions for functional training and free weights like barbells and weight plates. Furthermore, the company constructs accessories for aerobic, yoga and balance training.

Purchase of new and used Foreman Fitness leg presses:

You want to purchase new or used Foreman Fitness leg presses? Then have a look on! On this platform distributers, manufacturing companies, owners of exercise clubs, rehab centres or physiatrics practices and of course private persons publicise their new or used Foreman Fitness leg presses. After finding an ideal machine, you can directly call the sellers in a very quick and simple way by using the stated contact data or the contact form.

Sale of new and used Foreman Fitness leg presses:

On the assumption that you plan to sell new or used Foreman Fitness leg presses, is the suitable place for you! Daily a lot of fitness lovers, retailers and owners of gyms use our website searching for new or used Foreman Fitness leg presses.

Tips for publishing a prospering advert on

To publish an ad for new or used Foreman Fitness leg presses, all you need to do is register on our website and later on you can create your advertizement in just a few steps. You should take some hints in order to make your advertizement more appealing to prospective buyers and thus sell your new or used Foreman Fitness leg press faster.

  1. Prospective customers of your new or used Foreman Fitness leg press are interested in delivery of the product. On condition that you are able to transport the article, give this information in your advert. Assuming that you don't have the chance to deliver the new or used Foreman Fitness leg presses, you can refer to companies in our service category Transport & Relocation.
  2. Don't forget to upload some photos of the new or used Foreman Fitness leg press so that prospective customers get an impression of what the new or used Foreman Fitness leg press looks like. Make sure you use high-quality pictures!
  3. Try to describe your new or used Foreman Fitness leg press as good as possible. Cite all features, visual characteristics and flaws of the new or used Foreman Fitness leg press.

To alter the sales chances for the new or used Foreman Fitness leg press, you have the option to select a highlight ad at 65,39 Euro that has a duration of 28 days. Such an advertisement gets higher attention because it appears on the index page of, is stressed in colour and posted among the first advertisements of the result list.

Good luck with buying or offering new or used Foreman Fitness leg presses! Supposing that you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us! We are pleased to help you!

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