5 reasons why body analysis increases your sales

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The training progress clearly in front of your eyes at all times with an exact assessment of the fat-muscle ratio - you offer your members this added value with a body analysis such as the seca TRU. But how does the purchase of a body composition monitor pay off? Here are the five most important reasons why body composition analysis is worthwhile for your gym.

1. strengthen offer, inspire members

The first and most important point is that with the seca TRU you provide your members with professional, medically validated data on their training progress. How much muscle mass have they gained and how much fat mass have they lost? In just a few seconds, the seca TRU determines these and many other values with medical precision. A service that members appreciate and, in many cases, increases the rate of new customer acquisition.

2. more motivation and long-term customer loyalty

With the first measurement at the start of training, you make the body composition and thus the training condition visible. Include the measurement results in the conversation and find out what the trainee wants to achieve.

More muscles, less fat, more health, a beach figure? Make the connections clear to him or her and set short-term but also long-term goals that they can control with the body composition measurement. This ensures motivation, good customer retention and less member turnover.

Körperanalyse mit der seca TRU

3. up-sell: promote premium memberships

Use body composition analysis to make your premium memberships even more attractive. Of course, you can also offer measurements as a single service, so people who want pure fitness training without extras can book body analysis measurements as needed.

Another option is to offer measurements for free to strengthen your overall studio offering. You can set individual and general quotas for this in the seca TRU software.

4. cross-selling: promote accompanying offers

With the seca TRU, deficits in body composition become immediately obvious and understandable. The necessary measures to optimize body composition are easy to communicate. These include nutrition courses, personal training or products containing protein, which you can also offer.

5. §20-certified course included

With seca TRU, you get a §20-certified training course that's easy to integrate into your class schedule and suitable for young and old. The eight-week program teaches participants how to maintain or regain strength and flexibility and is billable to health insurance companies up to 100%. A body composition analysis measurement is taken at the start, after four weeks and at the end of the course.

seca offers free online product demonstrations with detailed advice on the seca TRU, BIA technology, application, amortization, financing and service offerings.

Source and image source: BODYMEDIA

Published on: 19 July 2023

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