The best tips to lose body fat

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Basically, there are two ways to reduce weight and body fat percentage:

  1. Increase calorie consumption through additional physical activity.
  2. Minimize calorie intake.

Increase calorie consumption with physical activity

Physical activity should not be a mere measure to increase energy consumption, but should ideally also include targeted strength training elements for the purpose of building muscle. Since muscles burn more calories than fat tissue even in a passive state, increased muscle mass results in a higher basal metabolic rate or daily calorie requirement. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) has been shown to be more effective than moderate long-term endurance training in terms of absolute calories burned and fat loss. HIIT is characterized by short, intense intervals such as 10 x 60 sec at 90% of maximum heart rate with 60 sec rest each time. It does not matter whether training is done fasting or satiated, because the calorie burn remains elevated for a longer period of time after training ("afterburn effect"). This should be accompanied by a balanced diet that is both high in protein and low in carbohydrates.

Reduce calorie intake and increase protein intake

When it comes to reducing caloric intake, the simplest and most effective approach to nutrition is to increase protein. Countless clinical data support the satiating, muscle-maintaining and calorie-burning (thermogenic) effects of protein.

  • Protein requires more energy for digestion compared to fat or carbohydrates: about 20-30% of calories from protein are used for digestion and burned as heat (thermogenesis). For carbohydrates, it is about 5-10%.
  • Protein is digested more slowly than carbohydrates, which prolongs satiety and keeps insulin levels lower. This in turn promotes fat metabolism.
  • Protein helps build and maintain muscle mass. Since proteins are also used by the body as a source of energy during a negative energy balance, an increased percentage of protein intake during a diet becomes all the more important.
  • Increasing protein intake is even more important for those on a vegetarian or vegan diet. Because of the lower value of vegetable protein compared to animal protein, a combination of several sources and a slightly increased intake is recommended.

HIIT Training

Nutritional measures in everyday life

The most important recommendation: no radical resolutions and measures! Gentle and flexibly manageable changes can be implemented most sustainably. Further adjustments can be made successively as needed. The following measures facilitate the change:

  • Reduce carbohydrates: A few times a week, reduce the carbohydrate side dish and eat more salad and/or vegetables instead. In general, be cautious with carbohydrates and fast sugars in particular, as they are not very filling and also affect insulin levels, which has a negative impact on fat burning.
  • Use high quality protein source: Always include a high-quality protein source with all main meals. This can be dairy, meat, fish, or even combined plant-based sources.
  • Serve up dietary fiber: A high fiber content (lettuce, mushrooms, legumes, whole grains and lots of vegetables) aids satiety and also digestion.
  • Supplement meals with protein shake: design 2-4 meals per week with a protein shake, supplemented with a portion of salad or vegetables. Ideally suited in the evening.
  • Plan snacks ahead: If possible, replace sugary snacks with a protein shake or protein bar. If a hunger attack does strike, keep convenient, high-quality snacks on hand, such as nuts or PROTEIN LOW CARB BAR.
  • Serve vegetables instead of fruit: Fruits are also healthy, but they contain a lot of sugar. It is better to serve raw vegetables instead, such as tomatoes, hot peppers, etc.
  • Eat few carbohydrates in the evening: If possible, do not eat any carbohydrates in the late evening. A late meal should be rich in protein, but may contain fat, such as protein shakes, cheese or nuts.

These measures help to change one's diet slowly but steadily. Nevertheless, they give you enough flexibility to react to cravings, invitations, slips, etc. Small steps are also easier to stick to than crash diets, because they require only minor behavioral changes and also don't make you feel hungry.


  • Weight loss is achieved through a combination of dietary changes and activity increases.
  • A corresponding change in behavior leads to long-term success.
  • The new behavior patterns should fit into one's everyday life and become part of one's personal lifestyle!
  • Only a permanent and lifelong change protects against the undesirable yo-yo effect.

Author: Remo Jutzeler


Ing. Food Science FH

MAS Nutrition & Health ETHZ

Image source: #437996210 Dimco /

Published on: 5 August 2022

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